Thursday, August 13, 2015

Day 28: Graduation Day

Congratulations on making it through Coach Basics Training!!!

Day 27: Continuing Your Education AFTER Coach Basics Training

Continuing Your Education AFTER Coach Basics Training

Beachbody can sometime be complicated and overwhelming.  There is a ton of information and you will not learn it all overnight (heck, I am still learning new things daily!).  What do you do or where do you go when you need help?  These are the actions I take when I have a question and I strongly suggest you do the same:

1.  Search the Beachbody FAQs (I usually have to Google Beachbody FAQs to get the address since I don't have it memorized):

2.  Search for your question on YouTube.  There are thousands of videos made by Beachbody coaches that cover numerous topics on YouTube.  If something in the FAQs doesn't make sense, I will typically go here next.

3.  Ask your upline sponsor coach.  They are an excellent resource when you need advice or tips and have probably had the same question you are asking at some point in time.  If you need the answer ASAP, however, I would skip 3. and go straight to 4.

4.  Call or online chat with Coach Relations.  I prefer online chat and I usually don't have to wait to chat with someone (the most I have waited was 4 minutes).  You can start a chat by logging into your online office and click on Contact Us at the bottom of the page.

After Coach Basics training, there are other leadership training that you can do once you get close to or hit Diamond.  You can ask your upline sponsor about these trainings or they will present you with them when the times comes.

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  What was the most useful part of your Coach Basics Training?

2.  What would you improve about your Coach Basics Training?

3.  What was not covered in your Coach Basics Training that you would have liked to learn more about?

4.  How a scale from 1-10, how confident do you feel moving forward as a coach?  Why?  

Day 26: Identifying & Recruiting Coaches

Identifying Your Coaches

As a coach it is up to you to identify these challengers who are seeing success in their weight loss and are really having an over all great experience! Typically those challengers who thrive in the challenge group, will thrive as a coach!

Here is how you find them:
1. Are they posting daily?
2. Are they posting their experience to their public news feed.
3. Are they telling you that they love the group and their journey?
4. Are they encouraging to other challengers by commenting and creating relationships within the group?
5. Are they taking on some sort of leadership role?

Approaching and identifying potential coaches is very crucial to the growth of your business, but you also need to be thinking about presenting the opportunity of being a coach to other people outside of your challenge group!! The best way to do so is to share your successes, experiences, and joys of being a coach on your social media, and also sharing a call to action about joining your team!

Check out this Pinterest page for some examples of coaching opportunity posts:

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  After looking through the different Coaching Opportunity posts, which one caught your eye?  Why?  

Day 25: Supporting Your Challengers

Supporting Your Challengers

Think clearly about your personal journey with your weight. Yep I said it YOUR WEIGHT. Was it a sensitive topic? Was it an emotional experience? Were you battling some sort of anxiety? Depression? Battle wounds? Weight gain comes somewhere very mental, not just physical. Usually weight gain is the physical product of emotional scaring. Trust me… I know. I am a product of emotional eating and binge eating that caused me to YO YO diet my entire adult life. It caused constant tears and constant self pity which led to more weight gain! Do you get it?! Okay, so if you get it put yourself in your challengers shoes. We are not just here to encourage and motivate them to lose weight, we are here to be a shoulder. We are here to be an ear. We are hear to be a friend. Here are some tips for treating supporting your challengers:

1. Do not use such negative words as “fat, lazy, tired, bulge, couch potato, muffin top.”  These words are derogatory and negative. Remember, we have fat, we are NOT FAT. If you have never had an issue with your weight, it may be hard to understand why these words cut deep. They are negative, and are usually hurtful. When discussing weight loss, your wording needs to be positive, encouraging, and friendly. Here are some examples:
“Fitness, self improvement, unwanted weight gain, healthier, work towards more energy, extra weight.”  Your words need to always be positive and uplifting.
2. Be kind to your challengers in the group. They need to feel trusted by you and the other challengers. When they post their nutrition daily, you need to be there to encourage. If you see something that is “not so healthy” do not publicly tell them that what they are eating is bad. Do not tell them that they need to improve on something publicly. Private message/text/email/call your challenger and ask to have a private conversation with them about their choices, and encourage them with some ideas on better eating choices, and recipes. Be careful when offering advice! Do not cut them down or ridicule them. A great example would be to say “I am so proud of you for always posting your nutrition. It really does give me a good idea of how you a re doing as my challenger and how I can better help you achieve your goals! I noticed that you have had McDonald's fries three times this week. I understand that they are delicious! But perhaps next week try having it for one cheat meal on Friday night! Or a great alternative would be to make your own fries! Perhaps chopping a potato into slices and baking on high with a little sea salt! This is a much healthier alternative and I think it will serve you better in your goals”.

3. Create a group chat on the side with your challengers, especially if you are sharing the group with another coach!

This is a great way to get some group conversations going! Ask your challengers in the page if they would like to be included in this conversation! Send them daily encouragement and messages about self improvement.

4. Check in privately with 2 challengers a day. If you only have 5 challengers check in with them privately more than once a week! In fact check in daily if you can! Give them a personal touch! You could even grab their phone number and text them encouragement in the morning as they start their day. Remind them why they are making this change!

5. Offer daily recognition for your challengers. Congratulate those who won the weekly group prize, those who have seen big changes in their body, those who stayed on point with their eating. People love to be recognized and it does offer encouragement!

6. Share your progress, your food, and your fitness. Be a leader and set the example. Post your nutrition, and your weekly posts.

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  What is another way that you will support your challengers?

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Day 24: How To Rock A Challenge Group

How To Rock A Challenge Group

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  What are your 3 biggest takeaways from this presentation?  

2.  What are you going to implement in your next challenge group?  

Day 23: Challenge Groups

How do I find coaches? How do I grow my business? Do you find yourself asking those questions? The answer is quite simple: Challenge groups! 

By promoting a challenge group every single month you will grow your retail business. By promoting challenge groups and executing successful challenge groups, you will find your coaches. But wait? How do you find coaches from your challenge groups? Well, when you create and execute a successful challenge group, and help someone have a transformation story, they typically turn out to be THE BEST ADVOCATES FOR THE PRODUCT! They become walking talking billboard. People will begin to ask your challengers how they achieved their results and with what!? They will start directing people to the Beachbody website and to the program that they did! By now, you may have already experienced this yourself! I would suspect that these challengers would want to earn a little side money for directing people to Beachbody, and I would suspect that these people would want a discount on something that they love so much! Your job as a a coach is to execute a challenge group in which your challengers can have fun, stay accountable, and achieve their goals. This group needs to be a safe haven of understanding, support, and encouragement. Have you caught on to the Beachbody Culture yet?! It is up to you to create that culture within your challenge groups, so that by the time your challengers graduate from the group, they are ready to keep the lifestyle alive and join our team!

Discount Coaches

Different Types of Coaches

How To Present The Coaching Opportunity

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  Should you try to sign people up as discount coaches?  Why or why not?

2.  What are the different types of coaches?  Which one are you?

3.  What is the most effective way to sign up a new coach.  

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Day 22: Challenge Packs

Challenge Packs

Challenge Packs In Online Office
When you are in your back office click Sales & Marketing > Beachbody Challenge.  Explore the different Product Tool Kits.

Helpful Links

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  Explore the Product Tool Kits in your online office.  What is the most useful tool you found?  

2.  What is the grand prize for winning the Beachbody Challenge?  How do you win?

3.  How can you help all of your challengers get a free tee shirt? 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Day 20: Building Trust Via Social Media

Building Trust

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  What is your biggest takeaway from this training?  How will you implement it?

2.  Add 5 people to your network either from Instagram or a Facebook Group you are in and start FORMing them.  List their names.   

Day 19: Instagram

Instagram Training

Instagram Limits
Likes - 350/hour
Hashtags - 30 per post
Following - You are limited to following 7500 people.  No limit on people following you.  You can only follow 50/hr.

**Note:  Sometimes Instagram may block you for a day or week if you are doing too much activity.  In this case, contact them so they know you are not a robot and say that you are expanding your network and discovering new people and they will unblock you.  

Direct Messaging:  This is new to IG.  Don't be afraid to message new followers and start connecting with them.  Try to get them over to Facebook and start a chat with them.  

I get a lot of DM's from Jamberry and ItWorks girls and they immediately try to sell to me.  Do not be that person, BUILD A RELATIONSHIP!  Take a cute picture of yourself waving and add an air bubble with a photo editing app that says "Hi" and use that as your DM picture.  

Other Instagram Apps/Websites:
  • (look at your stats and account online)
  • InsTrack Followers App (see who is following you back and a quick way to unfollow people)

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  What is your biggest takeaway from this training?  How will you implement it?

2.  Are there any Instagram Apps you also use that are not listed?

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Day 18: Social Media Intro and Facebook Like Page

Like Page Vs. Personal Page Vs. Instagram

Facebook Like Page
Awesome tips from a blogger who grew her like page to 1 MILLION plus likes in one year!

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  What 2 Social Media Outlets are you going to focus on first?  

2.  What is one key takeaway from Holly's presentation?

Monday, August 3, 2015

Day 17: Pitching To Your Niche

Pitching To Your Niche

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  What was your biggest takeaway from today's video?

2.  What from the video are you going to implement right now?  

Day 16: Your Public Announcement

Your Public Announcement

Screen Shots of Awesome Social Media Posts

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  Craft your "I'm a new coach" social media post.  Share it with your upline sponsor or a success partner and update it based on their feedback.

2.  Post your "I'm a new coach"/share your story post publicly on Facebook and take a screen shot of it to post in the Coach Basics group.  

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Day 15: Awesome Apps and Opening Up Shop

Awesome Apps to Jazz Up Your Stuff
  • (for computer only)
  • (computer use only)
  • Rhonna Designs (designing photos)
  • Picstick for phone (collages)
  • Instacollage (collages)
  • Picplaypost (video collages)
  • Vivavideo (video editing and collages)
  • Timercam (turn your camera on YOU)
  • Flipjam (make a video of pictures)
  • Photofy
  • WordSwag

Opening Up Shop

A Few Other Key Social Media Tips:
1.  Be you!  You are creating the you brand.  You want to attract people who are like you and you will do that by posting about things you like and your everyday life.  That doesn't mean don't post about Beachbody, just don't post ONLY about Beachbody, you just want to sprinkle it in.  Everyone wants to get healthier or in better shape so once you create an audience, they will show interest in the other things you are doing (like challenge groups).

2.  Don't go Shakeo cray cray.  There is this girl I went to college with and every day I used to see a picture of her drinking her Shakeology and and promoting it...Every. Single. Day.  There isn't a better way to get someone to hide your posts ;)  Yes, Shakeology is a big part of Beachbody and being a product of the product, but there are only so many Shakeology selfies you can take.  It is okay to post about Shakeology once or twice a week, but don't go overboard.  If you NEED to post a Shakeo selfie, I encourage you to do it in your Challenge Group where everyone is drinking Shakeology everyday.  

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  Are there any other apps you love to use that aren't listed?

2.  What are your 3 biggest takeaways from today's video and why are they important?

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Day 14: Planning Your Month and Handling Objections

Planning Your Month

I strongly advise that after your first challenge group you run with your upline sponsor coach that you team up with another coach to run a challenge group together.  Try to partner with a different coach for each challenge group so you can get new ideas.  

Once you advance in rank and start taking other coaches under your wing, you will want to partner with them and showing them how to run a challenge groups.  

Handling Objections

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  What date are you going to do your next challenge group?  Who will you partner with to run this group?  If you are unsure who to partner with, talk with your upline sponsor and they will help you connect with another coach.

2.  What do you think your biggest objection will be when inviting people?  What will do you do to avoid getting this objection?  

Day 13: Daily To Do's and Power of 3's

Daily To Do's and Power of 3's

Daily To Do List

10 Things To Do Everyday

Power of 3's

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  What 10 non-negotiables activities that you will do everyday during your power hour?

2.  Find the Power of 3's worksheet from the Dauntless Dynasty Team Page (in the files section) and start filling it out.  

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Day 12: Inviting To A Challenge Group How To & When

How To and When To Invite To a Challenge Group

**If you are not using the script when inviting people, make sure to ask them if they currently are working with a Beachbody Coach (especially if you have mutual friends who are also coaches.)

If they tell you yes, but they don't know them and have never talked to them (when someone buys something from the Beachbody website they automatically get assigned a free coach) then you can most definitely get them switch to you and receive commission from their purchase.

If they tell you yes and you know their coach, send that coach a courtesy message and let them know who came to you and what they were asking about.  Ultimately, it is the challengers choice as to who is their coach, but we are a team so it is good to let the other coach know if they have been working with them.

Each situation is unique.  If you run into trouble, ask your upline sponsor for help!

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  Invite 3 people to your next challenge group.  List the names of the people you invited.  

Day 11: Expanding Your Network

Expanding Your Network

Friending People On Facebook Without Being A Creeper

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  You are creating the YOU brand in your business so let's figure out your target market. List 5 things that describe who you are/what you do.  These are the type of people you should be connecting with!

2.  Find 3 groups on Facebook that have to do with who you are (refer to your list of 5 above).  Join these groups!  Write down the names of the groups you joined.  

3.  Ask a question in one of your groups to get a conversation going.  Expand your network by at least 2 people today by adding them as a friend, starting a PM, FORMing with them, and adding them to your list that you created yesterday so you can continue to interact with them on their page.  What question did you ask?  What are the names of the 2 people you added to your network?

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Day 10: Memory Jogger and Organization

Memory Jogger

The memory jogger worksheet will help you think of people you know who would benefit from Beachbody.  Use this worksheet to add 50 more people to your current contact list.

Organizing With Google Streak

Follow Up and List Ideas

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  List 10 people from your new list (or post a picture of your list).  Contact those people and FORM them.

2.  What is your organization plan?

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Day 9: FORMing and Facebook Lists

As you start to grow your business, you will get more and more contacts.  Save yourself the hassle and create a separate email account for your business.  I recommend Gmail because you can use it for anything Google (calendars, drive, YouTube, etc.).  My email is  Make it something memorable, but simple enough people won't misspell.

I always use the FORM method to reconnect with old friends and contacts before I invite them (most of the time I will FORM with them weeks before I plan on inviting them.  After a conversation I will add them to a "New Friends" Facebook list so I can continue to like and comment on their stuff so I stay fresh on their mind.)


When it comes to inviting, FORM means that you need to be asking the right questions to get to know your prospect. Spend a little time with each of your prospects getting to know their goals, how their goals tie into their family, occupation, and recreation. And then start using the "script" to send them the message! But always focus on THE FORM FIRST!

Facebook Lists

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  What is your new Beachbody email address.

2.  Think of 5 friends you haven't talked to since high school.  Go to their page, find something on their timeline that sparks interest and start a conversation!  FORM them.  Post which 5 people you talked with.

3.  Add the 5 people from above to a Facebook list and start doing the Facebook scroll through that list once a day.  Tell me what you named your list.

Day 8: National Wakeup Call and Coach Resources

National Wake Up Call
There's just no better way to kick off the week. Beachbody top Coaches will share stories, tips, and breakthrough discoveries. There are featured speakers every week, a pre-call contest, and loads of Coach recognition. Coaches who missed the call or would simply like to hear it again can listen to the replay or download the podcast.

When: Every Monday morning at 8:00 AM PT / 11:00 AM ET, rain, shine, or holiday
How: Dial 1 (832) 225-5055 / Password: 90405# five minutes to the hour
Alternative Line: If the line is full, dial the spillover line: (712) 432-7620
Receive Text Reminders: Text "CoachCall" to 96000 to receive a reminder 15 minutes before each Wake Up Call.
Cancel Text Reminders: Text "Stop" to 96000 to opt of Wake Up Call reminders.

National Wake Up Call Recordings
Every Monday a recording of the call is made available as a podcast. Coaches can also dial a special number to hear it played again.

Every Monday by 2pm PT (or Tuesday by 2pm following a Monday holiday), a recording of the National Wake Up Call is made available for replay or download. There are several ways to hear it again:

Download Replay: All Wake Up Calls are recorded for download. Go to the National #WAKEUPCALL Archive to download the Mp3.
Podcast: Go to iTunes > Team Beachbody Coach Podcast OR search "Team Beachbody Coach Podcast."
Call Archive: Go to COO > News & Training > Events > Webinars/Conference Calls > Webinar/Conference Call Archive.
Playback via Phone: Call 1 (832) 225-5065 any time after the call for the playback.

Being a new coach can be overwhelming because there is so much new information to learn.  Your upline coaches should always be used as a resource whenever you have questions.  In case they are unavailable, some other great resources you can use are FAQs and Coach Relations.


Here you will be able to search ANYTHING you have a question about:  new products, policies, rank advancement questions.  Always go here first when looking for information if your PS Coach is unavailable.

Coach Relations
Questions?  Comments?  Issues?  You can always reach out to Coach Relations.

Email: (make sure you get the automated email saying it was recieved)
Phone:  1 (800) 240-0913
Chat:  Login to your Team Beachbody account and go to your online office.  Scroll down and click on "Contact Us".  Then choose "Request Live Chat" under coach relations.

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  Listen to today's National Wakeup Call (NWC).  List three takeaways.

2.  Find the FAQ for Shakeology Boosts and tell us three things you learned.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Day 7: Beachbody Live Events

Why You Need To Get To Live Events

Success Club Cruise

Super Saturday

Platinum Edge

Coach Summit

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  If you have not registered for Summit, click HERE to get on the wait list.   Tickets sold out in the first 24 hours so the only way to guarantee a ticket to Summit is by achieving Success Starter Status; this means hitting SC 5 or SC 10 in your first 3 months of becoming a coach (your first month either being the month you signed up or the following month).  Confirm that you are on the Summit wait list.

2. Which event seems like it would have the most impact on you and your business?  WHy do you think that getting to this event would help your business grow?

3.  Reach out to your upline to talk about his or her plans for Summit, Platinum Edge, and Super Saturdays.

Day 6: The Importance of Shakeology

The Importance of Shakeology

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1. Make a list of 10 people in your life who could benefit from drinking Shakeology every day.

2.  What was your biggest takeaway from Seay's presentation?

3.  How can Shakeology impact your spouse, children, or family life?

Day 5: How You Earn Money and Why You Will Not Be An Overnight Success

How You Earn Money

Understanding The Compensation Plan

Understanding Team Cycle Bonus

Understanding Your Paycheck

On top of all of these ways you can earn money, you can also earn a Fast Start Bonus!

Fast Start Bonus:  When you enroll a new coach with the purchase of a challenge pack (or within 31 days of the purchase of a challenge pack), you will earn an addition $50 bonus!

Why You Will Not Be An Overnight Success

How do you pump your well you might ask?   You do this by practicing the 3 Vital Behaviors Daily!

1.  Invite, Invite, Invite
2.  Be Proof The Product Works
3.  Personal Development

To give you an idea of what you could be earning as a coach, check out the 2014 Statement of Independent Earnings for all Beachbody Coaches.  

As you grow your team, you will start to receive more and more money from team cycle bonuses.  Hitting Diamond rank is a huge milestone because you will get $18 per cycle bonus (as opposed to only $14 when you are at Emerald).  

Making it your priority to hit Success Club (SC) 5 or SC 10 every single month will help you organically grow your business and rank.  

You will hit SC every month if you are consistent at practicing the 3 Vital Behaviors daily, and internalizing and putting into action everything you learn in this training.  Additionally, if you do so, it is entirely possible to hit Diamond rank within 90 days!

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1. Which source of income has the greatest potential and how does that impact how you build your business?

2.  When is your goal date to hit Diamond rank?  How will you get there?  (Be specific, how many people per week are you going to invite?  How many new friends per week are you going to add to your network?  **Note:  we will cover adding new people to your network next week.)

Day 4: Building Your Team, Placement, and Sponsoring Your Spouse

Building Your Team
Understanding Your Downline

Setting Your Preferred Placement

Using The Beachbody Coach Mobile App

Knowing where to place your coaches in important for building rank and income.  If you are ever confused or need help deciding where to place a coach, reach out to your upline sponsor.  

For Star Diamond Rank requirements, click HERE and go to page 39.  

Sponsoring Your Spouse
Signing your spouse up as a coach is not a requirement, but is recommended if you want to grow your business.  I look at the $15.95 coaching fee to to sponsor my husband as small investment for a great potential of earnings.  

Bonus!  When you sign up your spouse, you will be half way to Emerald.

Keep in mind that if you decide to sign up your spouse they will receive a 1099 tax form if they have $600+ in sales or cycle bonus.

Tips for signing up your spouse:
1.  Place them on your weak leg.
2.  Sign up a challenger under them who orders Shakeology every month: this will keep them as an active coach so you won't have to buy Shakeology through them.  If you and your spouse both drink Shakeology, order one bag through each of you to ensure you both stay active.  

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1. Reach out to your upline coach and determine which leg is your strong leg.

2.  Download the Coach Mobile App by opening a browser on your phone and going to  Confirm that you have downloaded it.

3.  Team building and placement can be confusing.  What questions do you have so far about this topic?

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Day 3: Success Club and Coach Ranking

Success Club

Coach Ranks

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1. Set a goal date for achieving Success Club the next two moths as well as a Success Club point goal.

2.  Set a goal date for your next rank advancement.  What rank are you shooting for?  What is your game plan to achieve this goal?

Monday, July 20, 2015

Day 2: What Is Success, and Personal & Professional Development

What Is Success
Use these videos for inspiration.

Personal Development
To improve your business you need to improve yourself. Get started with reading The The Compound Effect every day.  This book changed my life - it was the best $8 I have ever spent and has motivated me and given me ideas on how I can improve both my personal and professional life.  Read for 10 minutes every day!

Once you have finished The Compound Effect, work our way through the following list (a copy of this list is in the files section of the Dauntless Dynasty team page)

Go Pro by Eric Worre 
The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz
Change your Thinking, Change your Life by Brian Tracy
Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk
Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy

Professional Development
As much as it is important to improve yourself with Personal Development, improving yourself professionally is essential to being successful.  Make it a habit to ask coaches about their business when you talk with them - even if they aren't on our team!  Find out what works for them and what hasn't worked for them.  Pick their brains and get ideas.

One thing that I started doing everyday was studying top Beachbody coaches, looking for things that they do and then mimicking it.

Choose a top 10 coach that you like or can relate to and research them.  Find them on Facebook, find them on Instagram, subscribe to their Youtube channel.  What makes them successful and what can you do that they are doing?  For the next month, I want you to follow a top coach and check in on their social media everyday.  I also would like you to subscribe to their Youtube channel and start watching one video everyday.

Ask your upline sponsor coach who they suggest you should study.

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1.  Order The Compound Effect.  Confirm that you have it ordered or are going to a book store to get a copy.

2.  Talk with your upline sponsor and with them choose a top Beachbody coach for you to study.  Subscribe to their Youtube channel and start watching 1 video a day.  In the group post which top coach you are following and write a few sentence about the first video of theirs you watched.