Sunday, July 19, 2015

Day 1: Welcome

Welcome to your first day of Dauntless Dynasty Coach Training!  I am so excited to be with you on this journey!  For the next month, you will be learning the basic tools you need to be successful in the business.  This training is composed mainly of videos from Team Beachbody and top Beachbody coaches.  I have spent hours and hours watching different videos so I could provide you with the best and most useful information.

The first thing you will want to do before anything else is head over to > Start Here > Welcome.  There you will learn how to set up and access your coaching website (if you haven't done so already),  and learn how to set up electronic payments so you can get paid for your hard work!

Our team (Dauntless Dynasty) is a part of several other teams including my coaches team (Determination), my coaches coaches team (Fearlessly Fit), and so on to include Live Fierce Fitness, Team Dream, and Shrednation.  All of these teams have groups on Facebook and they are excellent resources to you when you have a question or need help.  As of now, you are probably only a part of our team page and the  Determination team page.  Please let me know if you would like to be added to the other groups - the reason I do not add you right away is because I do not want to overwhelm you :)

As your coach, it is my goal to help you succeed and do everything I can to help you meet your goals. With me as your coach guiding you every step of the way, you will have success, as long as you meet me right here in the middle! I will not pull you, probe you, or force you to do anything. I will be here to meet you where you want to be, the moment you step back, I step back. The moment you push forward and run, I will push forward and run right with you. This is your business, I am here to guide you and take you to where you want to be, however I will not do anything FOR YOU!!

It is my expectation for you to complete each assignment on the day it is due.  I will post the assignment the night before so you can complete it at your leisure the next day.  This is something I take very seriously and if you are not completing the assignments, I will ask you to leave the group and join a future group when you are ready to commit.  I understand that things come up and you may have a special circumstance - in that case, please send me a personal message.  I want to make sure you are getting the most out of this training as possible so you feel confident in you ability to be a rock star Beachbody coach!

Beachbody Background

Is BB A Pyramid Scheme

3 Vital Behaviors

Getting Started Now

**Note that the script referenced in the video is in the files section of our team page (Dauntless Dynasty Coaches).  Also note that you can ignore her step on going to the website and completing training, everything you need to know will be provided through this training you are already a part of.

(Please post to the comments section for this day in the group page)

1. Post "I commit to completing each assignment daily."

2.  Post the URL to your coach website in which you will direct people to buy a Challenge Pack or sign up to have YOU as their coach.

3.  Please let me know which team pages you would like to be added to (listed in order of your most direct upline:  Determination, Fearlessly Fit, Live Fierce Fitness, Team Dream, Shrednation).  Know that it is OK not to be added to any additional groups right now if you think it will overwhelm you!

4.  Post your list (or a picture of a handwritten list) of the 20 people you are going to approach this week about joining you in your next Challenge Group.

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